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      • Increase/decrease of investment capital in the project
      • Change of investment project’s address
      • Change/addition of project owner
      • Transfer of investment projects
      • Operation term of the project




    • Contact information exchange: 30 minutes after receiving the request

    • Define the content of the work, guide you to prepare the document: 1 – 2 hours

    • Complete the application and send it to you for signing: 1 day (since receiving sufficient information)

    • Submit

      Return results (New business registration certificate or Notice of change confirmation of Department of Planning and Investment)


01 Trademarks/Brands Registration 150 USD

Support services for obtaining sub-licenses (Business eligibility papers for conditional business lines), such as: Hotels; Restaurant; Food Hygiene; Fire protection; General and specialized clinics; Wine Import and Distribution License; Publication, Advertising Cosmetics, Functional Foods, Drugs ….

Contact us
03 Regularly legal advice  Contact us
04 Periodic tax report 50USD/month
05 Consultancy on reviewing documents, completing documents for enterprises before making tax finalization, representing enterprises to explain data when making tax finalization. Contact us
06 Other legal services Contact us

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Quy trình và thời gian:

    • Liên hệ trao đổi thông tin: 30 phút sau khi nhận được yêu cầu
    • Xác định Nội dung công việc, hướng dẫn bạn chuẩn bị tài liệu: 1 – 2 giờ
    • Hoàn thiện hồ sơ và gửi bạn ký: 1 ngày (kể từ khi nhận đủ thông tin)
    • Nộp hồ sơ
    • Trả kết quả (GCN ĐKCN mới hoặc Thông báo xác nhận thay đổi của Sở KH&ĐT)


Các nội dung thay đổi:

    • Tên doanh nghiệp và mã số doanh nghiệp
    • Địa chỉ trụ sở chính của doanh nghiệp
    • Thành viên/ chủ doanh nghiệp
    • Thông tin cá nhân của các chủ sở hữu, thành viên hoặc cổ đông
    • Thay đổi vốn điều lệ.
    • Thay đổi ngành nghề đăng ký kinh doanh:
    • GCN kinh doanh cũ bị mất, rách:

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Suspension period:

    • Not more than 01 year. The total duration of a continuous suspension must not exceed two years.

Time limit for notice:

    • At least 15 days before stopping

Documents to be prepared:

    • Business registration: certified copy

    • Notice of temporary suspension of operation

    • Decision to suspend operation

    • Minutes of meeting on temporary suspension of operation


Dissolution conditions:

    • Ensuring payment of all debts and other property obligations (debts to customers, partners, employees, taxes …)
    • Not in the process of settling a dispute in a court or arbitration body.

Process and time:

    • Tax code lock (10 – 15 working days)
    • Return business registration certificate (3-5 working days)

Documents to be prepared:

    • Accounting documents
    • Certificate of business registration

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HOTLINE: 0968896603




Trading is a key activity and competition is a vital factor in the market, determining the maturity of enterprises. Our LNP serves customers on economic strategies, legal advice on trade, competition including anti-unfair competition.


We comprehensively advise on issues related to corporate governance, administration, compliance with laws, mitigation and warning of potential risks in business activities through the provision of legal services, by reviewing and developing an implementation plan that meets the required standards on the basis of organizational structure, management mechanisms, corporate culture and customer specific requirements.


We consult, draft and/or negotiate types of commercial contracts such as joint ventures, leases, purchases, sales, distribution, agents, services, etc. other legal papers as required by the Enterprise; Resolve contractual disputes arising.

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HOTLINE: 0968896603

METHOD OF upgrade legal strategy

As an organization specializing in business consulting and services, LNP LAW will be a reliable companion of customers in all matters related to the company’s operations and trade as well as related legal issues arising under the provisions of current law.

We provides consulting services and supports businesses with the most effective and optimal solutions.

Very pleased to cooperate and accompany with Customers!

doanh nghiep
thanh lap cong ty


We are the only unit providing comprehensive business solutions, compliance with laws, efficiency and risk control in business activities in accordance with the goals and strategic business direction of each Company.

Any support you may need, please contact us today via:

    • Email/ Google hangouts:
    • iMessage | SMS | Whatsapp | Viber | Call: +84968896603
    • Website: –
    • Linkedin:
    • Hanoi: Nguyen Ngoc Vu, Trung Hoa, Cau Giay, Hanoi



Coming to LNP, customers will be supported with the most necessary information to better understand the operation of businesses in the legal framework as well as all related issues that have not been resolved.

With high professional competence, well-trained, dynamic, creative, professional working style and professional ethics, ability to grasp problems and understand customers’ needs, we Certainly, we will meet our customers’ expectation with continuous innovation and improvement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does charter capital affect businesses?

The charter capital does not affect the business registration results upon the establishment of an enterprise, only the amount of annual license fee paid by the enterprise. Registered capital of less than 10 billion VND business license tax of 2,000,000 VND / year. The registered capital is over 10 billion dong to pay license tax of 3,000,000 dong / year.

How much charter capital an enterprise may register in an enterprise registration certificate depends on the type, size of its intended business, and the conditions on which assets may be contributed by individuals participating in the business. However, businesses should also pay attention to the balance of charter capital to cover the company’s business operations, or to set up risk provisions during the first years of ineffective operation.

How many seals are used by the company?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 44 of the 2014 Enterprise Law and Clause 1, Article 34 of Decree 78/2015 / ND-CP Decree on enterprise registration:

“Article 44. Enterprise seal

  1. Enterprises have the right to decide on the form, quantity and content of their seals. The content of the seal must show the following information:
  2. a) Name of the enterprise;
  3. b) Business identification number. “

“Article 34. Notice of use, change and cancellation of seal samples

  1. Enterprises have the right to decide on the form, content and number of seals of enterprises, branches and representative offices. Enterprises can have many seals with the same form and content. “

Thus, according to the law, the enterprise has the right to decide on the number of seals, accordingly, the enterprise may have many seals but the form and content must be the same.

After establishing the business what to do?

Some jobs that need to be done after receiving the certificate of enterprise registration:

Check the contents of the Business License, if it is found incorrect, the business registration authority may make a correction.

Publish the report on establishment of a business in written or electronic newspaper 3 consecutive issues within 30 days after receiving the Business License.

Carving round seal and registering seal pattern

Making signs and hanging at the company’s headquarters

Open a bank account. Submit notice of using bank account number to Department of Planning and Investment

Register a digital signature to Register for electronic tax payment and license tax payment

Carry out the original tax procedure at the district tax office where the company is headquartered

Submission and receipt of results Proposing the application of tax calculation method

Submit and receive results that suggest using printed invoices

Print invoices and make invoice issuance notices

Making accounting books of the business

Newly established company, if revenue is not available, is it taxable?

If the newly established company does not generate revenue, it is still compulsory to pay license tax, while personal income taxes, corporate taxes, and value added taxes are not payable.

However, quarterly businesses are required to send tax reports to tax authorities even if they do not generate revenue.

Head office address of the company

– Clause 11, Article 6 of the 2014 Housing Law stipulates prohibited acts including “Using an apartment for non-residential purposes; using the area to be traded in condominiums under approved projects for the purpose of trading in inflammable and explosive materials, providing services that cause environmental pollution, noise or other activities affecting to the life of households and individuals in apartment buildings as prescribed by the Government. ”

As such, businesses cannot register their headquarters in the apartment building.

– In case an enterprise registers its head office in a designated building and registration area and is located in the location of its business operation or leasing office, the enterprise may produce documents of the investor. or competent state management agency proving that the address is used as a corporate office for consideration and settlement by the Business Registration Office.

What is the name of a business in Vietnam?

Companies in Vietnam must have Vietnamese names and English names. The company may also have abbreviations. The name of the company in Vietnam indicates the structure of the company, its business lines, and its name is different from other businesses.

  For example: Alpha Consulting Co., Ltd.

Which business lines are conditional?

According to Appendix 4 of Law No. 03/2016 / QH14 amending and supplementing Article 6 and Appendix 4 on the list of sectors and trades subject to conditional business investment of the Investment Law providing for 243 conditional business lines .

Legal representative and work permit in Vietnam

  • Investors will need to appoint a legal representative in Vietnam to oversee business activities and take legal responsibility in Vietnam. If the legal representative is a foreigner, a capital-contributing member or owner of a limited liability company or a member of the Board of Directors of a joint stock company registered to operate in Vietnam, they will be exempt from work permit in Vietnam.

    If not, he or she will need a legal work permit in Vietnam. The work permit holder will then apply for a temporary residence card to live in Vietnam as long as the work permit allows.

Submit mandatory reports in Vietnam

Companies are required to keep accounting records, prepare and submit monthly, quarterly and annual tax reports. Foreign companies are also required to conduct financial audits before the end of the fiscal year. The financial year in Vietnam is from January to December and the deadline for submitting financial statements is March 30 for the previous year. Other reports are required to be submitted at other state agencies.

Tax liability is for foreign companies

The main taxes in Vietnam are corporate income tax, import and export tax, value added tax and personal income tax in Vietnam. In some special areas, there are other taxes.

Corporate income tax currently stands at 20%.

Exports are mainly encouraged because the export tax is zero but there are special cases when the export tax is greater than zero. The import tax varies with the tariff.

Value-added tax is mainly at 10%, but in some cases, VAT may be 5% or 0%.

Personal income tax varies with the income level and is applied from 9,000,000 VND above.

Carry out procedures with tax authorities

After being granted a business registration certificate, you must follow the procedures with the tax authorities such as lodging the original tax return, registering for online tax payment (if required), and paying license fees.

Select the appropriate office location

When opening a business in Vietnam, having the appropriate headquarters is a great aid for your business. If you set the optimal location for complementing the industry and items that you are trading, it will help you expand and grow. For example, if you specialise in exporting goods to foreign countries, the headquarters of industrial parks and tariff areas will help you to reduce export and import tax to foreign countries.

Set a specific business plan when opening a business in Vietnam

Business planning helps you manage the main businesses and the jobs needed to support the business. For example, when conducting business activities you need to have a list of information and work progress with key contents such as:


  1. a) Names, contact addresses, phone numbers of suppliers;
  2. b) Names, contacts, telephone numbers of customers;
  3. c) The location of the head office with a signed lease contract or Agreement on the use of the venue for conducting business; and
  4. d) Other contents depending on the business lines, purposes and needs.

When registering a business, do investors have to submit licenses, practice certificates, written certifications … to the business registration authority?

Dossiers, order and procedures for enterprise establishment registration and notification of addition or change of business lines are specified in Articles 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 49 of Decree No. 78 / 2015 / ND-CP. According to the above provisions, in case a business enterprise conducts business lines of conditional business investment, it must not be accompanied by other types of licenses, practice certificates or other types of written approval. of state agencies.

Liên hệ ngay

Đội ngũ Luật sư chuyên về doanh nghiệp và thương mại từ LNP sẽ giúp bạn giải quyết tất cả mọi vấn đề pháp lý liên quan tới pháp luật doanh nghiệp và thương mại.

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