Procedure of Trademark in Vietnam

Procedure of Trademark in Vietnam:

Trademark in Vietnam shall be passed through three stages, namely as hereafter:

Mục lục

Stage 1:

Formality examination of Vietnam trademark application: within 01 month of filing date of trademark in Vietnam. If accepted, NOIP shall issue the decision on accepting the legitimate of the trademark application. Otherwise, a requirement of amendment or clarification shall be issued, the applicant shall respond to such requirement within 02 months from the signing date. The applicant can ask for two months extension of responding to the requirement.

Stage 2:

Publication of Vietnam trademark application on Gazette: Trademark shall be published on Gazette within 02 months counted from the legitimating date for opposition.

Stage 3:

Substantive examination of trademark in Vietnam: within 9-12 months counted from the publishing date, NOIP shall issue the Notification of registrability of the Vietnam trademark application. If the trademark application is rejected, the applicant shall have three months to respond to this. Three month extension of responding to NOIP’s refusal is also applicable. Total time applied for a straight forward case of trademark in Vietnam: 12-18 months.

Read more: Intellectual Property

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