Trademark registration in Viet Nam

In developed countries, intellectual property is considered as an important and most valuable property for every business and gives businesses a lot of advantages. According to PWC Vietnam, the average value of the intellectual property in the total enterprise value in the world in 2016 was 53%. So how to register a trademark in Vietnam? Find the answer of this question through the following article:

See more: Procedure of trademark in Viet Nam

trademark registration

Trademark registration process

Conditions for trademark protection

– It is a visible sign in the form of words, images, including holograms or a combination of everything above, in one or many colors.

– That trademark must be capable of distinguishing it from goods or services of the others.

Documents for trademark registration

Individuals /organizations need to provide the following documents:

– 02 trademark registration declarations ( Form )

– 05 trademark samples

– Receipt of payment

trademark registration

Time for processing trademark registration

– Formal examination: 01 month

– Public the applications: within 02 months from the date the trademark registration is valid

– Content examination: no more than 09 months from the date of publication

How to submit documents


Submit documents by post office service to one of the Intellectual Property Office’s receipt centers.

– Submit online

Conditions: You must have digital certificates and digital signatures, an account on the online application approved by the National Office of Intellectual Property.

Why you should use the service at LNP LAW?

  • As a company specializing in the fields of civil, intellectual property, business and investment, We are proud of being one of the leading legal service providers in Vietnam.
  • With a team of experienced professionals, we believe that we will satisfy you by the quality of our services.
  • Through rigorous selection processes, each of our legal advisors are supporters of hundreds of small and large businesses across the country, meet the professional knowledge as well as practical experience.

Hopefully, with our consultants, we will solve your problems regarding the Trademark registration in Viet Nam. If you have any further questions regarding the incident, you can contact the expert lawyers of LNP Legal Consulting Co., Ltd.

For further, please visit our website:

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