Renewal of temporary residence card for foreigner in Vietnam

Temporary residence card (TRC) is a document issued by a Vietnamese competent authority to a foreigner who is permitted to reside for a limited period of time in Vietnam and is valid for visa replacement. This is a document to help simplify procedures for entry, exit, travel and residence for foreigner. Foreigner who are granted temporary residence card should pay attention to the duration of the cards to carry out procedures for the extension of the temporary residence card in time.

>> Read more: Granting of temporary residence cards (TRC) to foreign investors investing in Vietnam

1. Conditions for extending the temporary residence card (TRC)

To be granted a temporary residence card extension, a foreigner must meet the following conditions:

– Passport with a term of more than 1 year;

– If a foreign worker has a work permit, this permit is valid for at least over 1 year from the time of applying for temporary residence card;

– Having a temporary residence time in Vietnam, with certification of temporary residence registration in the commune or locality where the residence is.

temporary residence card
extending the temporary residence card

2. Subjects carrying out the procedures for extending the temporary residence card (TRC) for foreigner

Vietnamese organizations, citizens and foreign citizens are the subjects entitled to carry out administrative procedures related to the extension of temporary residence cards for foreigner. However they need to meet certain conditions to be carried out procedures:

– Agencies and organizations applying for extension of temporary residence for foreigners must have documents proving their legal status at the Immigration Department – Ministry of Public Security. In this case, businesses and organizations often extend TRC because there have foreign workers temporarily residing in Vietnam;

– For foreigner who carry out the procedures for extending the TRC by themselves, they need: valid passports; Visa (except for visa exemption) and temporary residence certificate issued by a Vietnamese competent authority. This individual is currently residing in Vietnam and is not in the category “not allowed to enter Vietnam” or “suspend entry and exit”;

– Vietnamese citizens request extension of TRC for foreigner. In this case, Vietnamese citizens must have a father, mother, husband or child relationship with foreigner to carry out the procedures. When applying for extension of TRC, they need to produce documents proving the relationship.

temporary residence card
extending the temporary residence card for foreigner

3. Dossiers of extension of temporary residence card (TRC) for foreigners

The file includes the following documents:

– Declaration form for granting, supplementing, modifying visas and extending temporary residence. Follow the form issued by the Vietnamese Government

– Original passport of the foreigner;

– Letter of introduction for individuals in case of organizations or agencies requesting the extension of temporary residence cards;

– Proof of relationship (birth certificate, marriage certificate, court decision, etc) in case a Vietnamese citizen requests a temporary residence card extension for a foreigner.

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