How to register Copyright in Vietnam

In principle, to enforce a copyright, copyright registration is not required. However, a certificate of copyright registration is persuasive proof of protection, especially when copyright infringements in Vietnam happen very often, in both printed and digital platforms. The article below shall illustrate How to register Copyright in Vietnam.

Read more: Copyright registration in Vietnam

Who can register Copyright?

Authors, owners of copyrights, related rights holders can directly or authorize other organizations or individuals to submit 01 application for registration of copyrights and related rights at the headquarters of the Copyright Office. Applications can be sent by mail.

What can be registered as copyright?

Under Article 14 of IP Law: Literary, artistic and scientific works protected including:

a) Literary and scientific works, textbooks, teaching materials, and other works expressed in forms of letters or other writing characters;

b) Lectures, presentations and other speeches;

c) Journalistic works;

d) Musical works;

d’) Dramatic works;

e) Cinematographic works and works created by similar methods

g) Fine art works and applied art works;

h) Photographic works;

i) Architectural works;

k) Graphics, sketches, maps, drawings relevant to topography and scientific works;

l) Folk artistic and literary works.

m) Computer programs and compilations of data

Protected works must be created directly by author’s intelligence without reproducing others’ works.

register copyright
Copyright Registration Certificate

Infomation required to register copyright

– Full name, address, nationality of applicant(s) and author(s);

– The title of the work claimed for copyright protection

– The date of publication the work in Vietnam

– The content of the work (not necessary to provide the contents in full detail, but only brief description to describe its difference from the other’s work). Please provide us the information, if any.

Please note that if the work claimed the protection is created by a foreigner, it must be first published in Vietnam or it must be published in Vietnam within 30 days counting from that work was first published in other countries. 

Application for copyright registration

– A declaration form for registration of the copyrights;

– 02 copies of the work applied for copyrights registration;

– A power of attorney in case the applicant is an empowered person;

– Documents evidencing the right to file an application if the applicant acquires that right from another person as a result of inheritance, transfer or assignment;

– A document of agreement of all co-authors if the work has co-authors;

– A document of agreement of all co-owners if the copyrights belong to joint ownership.

Duration for issuance Copyright Registration Certificates

Within 15 working days from the date on which a valid application is received, the Copyright Office shall issue the Copyright Registration Certificate. In case of refusal, the Copyright Office shall notify in writing the applicant.

register copyright

Where to register copyright?

– Department of Registration of Copyrights, Related Rights, Copyright Department: No. 33 Lane 294/2 Kim Ma, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, City. Hanoi. Phone: 024.38 234 304.

– In Ho Chi Minh City: No 170 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 6, District 3, City. Ho Chi Minh. Phone: 028.39 308 086

– In Da Nang: No. 58 Phan Chu Trinh, Hai Chau District, Da Nang City. Phone: 023.63 606 967

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