Appointment Letter for chief of the representative office in Vietnam

In order to set up a representative office in Vietnam, foreign company need a head of the representative office. The head of the representative office is determined based on the letter of appointment of the foreign company. Foreign company can refer to the below letter of appointment for chief of the representative office.

>> Read more: Required documents for setting up representative office in Vietnam

1. Sample of appointment document for chief of the representative office in Vietnam


On the day of ________________________

This Letter is an official notice on appointment of (Mr/Mrs)………………………, Nationality: ………, Passport No……..……. in Vietnam as the Chief of THE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE OF …………………… IN ……………. CITY (hereinafter referred to as “the Representative Office”) in The Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

This letter also confirms that (Mr/Mrs) ……………………………………………….. will receive the salary of …………… U.S. Dollars/month (Gross), equivalent to ……….. VND/month to for his/her position as Chief of the Representative Office from the day of          /          /           . Bonus: none. Allowance: none

The above-mentioned salary is the monthly gross income shall be paid to ……………………………………………….. by …………Mr/Mrs………………………..shall pay all related accommodation and travelling costs in Vietnam by his own expenses, and to fulfill his personal income tax obligation in accordance with the applicable laws of Vietnam.

Mr/Mrs……………….and all employees working in Vietnam are responsible for complying with applicable regulations on Representative Office’s operation in Vietnam.

This letter comes into effect from the signing date and shall be withdrawn when another letter is issued as replacement.


Legal Representative of ……………………………….

(blue-ink signature and sealed)


Name:             …………….

Position:          ……………..

chief of the representative office
         appointment document for chief of the representative office

2. Attention to the document appointing the chief of the representative office

Documents appointing for chief of the representative office of foreign company should be translated into Vietnamese and authenticated in accordance with Vietnamese law. If the foreign company appoints a new chief of the representative office, a new appointment document for this person is also needed.

Chief of the representative office of foreign company in Vietnam must not concurrently hold the following positions:

– The head of a branch of the same foreign company;

– The head of a branch of another foreign individual/company;

– Legal representative of the same foreign company or another foreign trader;

– Legal representative of economic organization established under the laws of Vietnam.

chief of the representative office
  attention to the document appointing the chief of the representative office

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