Company Formation in Vietnam & Corporate Services

LNP LAW is designated to advise a large number of foreign investors on efficient forms of company, effective fields of investment, procedure and minimumbudget requirement of this investment in Vietnam. Every company formed in Vietnam must be in accordance with legal requirements of the country.

Foreign and multinational companies are attracted to do business in Vietnam in the following fields: retail sector development, infrastructure, tourism development, and real estate.

Restriction of foreign investment in Vietnam in some delicate sectors has been removed under Vietnam’s WTO commitments. Presently, Vietnam has considerably afforded to assure that the foreign companies shall not be disadvantaged compared with domestic ones when doing business in Vietnam.

Forms of business available to foreign investors in Vietnam include:

– Limited-liability company

A limited-liability company formed by foreign investors in Vietnam may be under the forms of either:

+ A 100% foreign-owned enterprise; or

+ A foreign-invested joint-venture company between foreign investors and at least one domestic one.

– Joint-stock company

A joint-stock company is formed by shareholders based on their subscription for shares in the company. A joint-stock company must have at least three shareholders. The company may either be 100% foreign-owned; or a joint venture between both foreign investors and domestic ones.

– Partnership

This form of foreign investment in Vietnam may be setup between a legal entity or an individual and the individual general partner. The partner has unrestricted liability for the operations of the partnership

Foreign investors may do business in Vietnam by:

– Opening Branches

– Opening Representative offices

– Forming Business cooperation contract (BCC)

– Build-operate-transfer (’BOT’), Build-transfer (’BT’) and Build-transfer-operate (’BTO’) Contracts

Please contact LNP LAW to be advised on required documents, tax, forms of company, budget requirement, procedure of opening company in Vietnam, search of available name for this registration, dossier of company registration, lists of suitable offices for lease, memorandum and articles of association:

Why choose LNP LAW for Company Formation in Vietnam & Corporate Services?

LNP LAW with professional personalized consultancies and lawyers in the field of foreign company formation and corporate services has successfully advised multinational entities on investing in Vietnam. Clients shall be advised on corporate issues and be allowed to access to full legal services of the law firm.

Read more: The service of applying for a reputable foreign investment permit in Hanoi


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