Establishing a FDI company in Viet Nam

According to the statistics of Foreign Investment Agency (Ministry of Planning and Investment), In the first 6 months of 2018, FDI capital reached 22.33 billion USD. Of which, 1,366 new projects were granted investment registration certificates, with a registered capital reached 11.8 billion USD, equaling 99.7% over the same period in 2017. With the above figures, we can see that Viet Nam has preferential policies for foreign investors.

See more: 6 things to do after establishing a business

So, how to invest in Vietnam by establishing business? Let’s find out through the following article:

Procedures of establishing a FDI company

Step 1: Online declaration of investment projects on the National Foreign Investment Information System

Step 2: Submit paper documents

Within 15 business days from the online declaration according to step 1, the investor submit the paper documents to the Investment Registration Authority;


– Request for implementation of investment project;

– Proposal of investment project: include the content such as investors, investment goals, investment scale, capital, investment schedule, socio-economic efficiency of the project,…

For individuals, provide following documents:

– Coppy of passport;

– Confirm the account balance in proportion to the capital planned to establish the FDI company;

For business, provide following documents:

– Coppy of certificate of business registration;

– Financial statements of the latest 2 years of the investor;

– Documents proving company headquarter: Lease agreement, Certificates of land use rights, Construction permit,…


– For projects leased lands from the State, additional payment is required: Proposal of land use demand or other documents certifying that the investor has the right to use the location to carry out the investment project

– For projects using technology restricted transfer under the provisions of law on technology transfer, additional payment is required: Explanation on technology using include the content such as technology name, origin,  diagram, specifications,…

Time of processing

15 days from the date of receiving fully documents

Competent state agencies

Ministry of Planning and Investment

establishing a FDI company

Step 3: Submit documents for registering business, engrave the legal entity

After being granted an investment registration certificate, submit documents to the business registration office – Department of Planning and Investment, then engrave the legal entity

Documents : Depending on the type of business, there are different documents

Step 4: Open an account to transfer direct investment capital

Under the provisions of the Enterprise Law, foreign investors need to contribute capital within 90 days from the date of being granted the business registration certificate. Therefore, right after the establishment of the company, the investor needs to open an account to transfer direct investment capital.

Step 5: Complete the following procedures to establish a company

After establishing the company, the investor will implement the procedures for account registration, digit purchase, license tax payment, license tax declaration, invoice issuance, tax declaration, etc.

Why you should use the service at LNP LAW?

  • As a company specializing in the fields of civil, intellectual property, business and investment, We are proud of being one of the leading legal service providers in Vietnam.
  • With a team of experienced professionals, we believe that we will satisfy you by the quality of our services.
  • Through rigorous selection processes, each of our legal advisors are supporters of hundreds of small and large businesses across the country, meet the professional knowledge as well as practical experience.

Hopefully, with our consultants, we will solve your problems regarding the Establishing a FDI company in Viet Nam. If you have any further questions regarding the incident, you can contact the expert lawyers of LNP Legal Consulting Co., Ltd.


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