How to register copyright according to the 2020 regulations?

Register copyright. WHY?

If you want to protect your intellectual property from copying, distorting, etc… You should register copyright as soon as possible. Actually many people dont know how to register copyright? Find out the answer through following article

1. Subjects that can be registered as copyrights:

  • Literary;
  • Musical works;
  • Artwork;
  • Maps and technical drawings;
  • Photographic works;
  • Cinematographic works;
  • Computer Programs;
  • Multimedia products

See more: Trademark registration in Viet Nam

Register copyright

2. Term of copyright protection and copyright-related rights

  • Personal rights of the author: unlimited
  • Right to publish and property rights:

– Cinematographic works, photography, theater, applied fine arts, anonymous works with a term of protection of 50 years from the first publication of the works.

Within 50 years after the fixation of a cinematographic or dramatic work, if the work has not been published, the time limit shall be counted from the time the work is fixed.

– Other works not subject to the above-mentioned types of works whose term of protection is throughout the life of the author and the next 50 years of the author’s death.

In cases where a work is co-authored, the term of protection expires in the 50th year after the year of the last co-author’s death.

register copyright

3. Copyright registration procedure:

a) Minimum documents that you need to provide:

  • Two copies of the copyrighted
  • Identification card
Depending on some cases, some documents need to add:
  • Documents proving the right to submit file if the applicant enjoys the right to file another’s
  • Agreed document of the co-authors, if the work is co-authored
  • Agreed document of the co-owners, if the copyright and related rights are under common ownership.

b) Evaluation time is as follows:

Within 15 business days from the date of receiving valid file, The Copyright Office is responsible for granting the copyright certificates to the applicants.

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Hopefully, with our consultants, we will solve your problems regarding the How to register coppyright?. If you have any further questions regarding the incident, you can contact the expert lawyers of LNP LAW.

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