How to renewal Trademark Certificate in Vietnam

Trademark is valid for 10 years from the filing date. Then, the trademark owner must file request for renewal trademark in Vietnam if they want to maintain its validity.

Read more: Trademark registration in Vietnam

Term of renewal trademark

Trademark registration certificates can be renewed for many consecutive times, each 10 years for the whole or a part of the list of goods and services. Within 6 months prior to the expiry date of the protection title, the trademark owner submits a request for trademark extension to the NOIP. In case of late payment, the owner of the protection title shall pay an additional 10% fee for the extension of validity for each month of late payment.


A request for renewal trademark (protection titles’ validity)

+ Declaration requesting renewal of protection titles’ validity (according to form 02-GH/DTVB Appendix C of Circular No. 01/2007/ TT-BKHCN);

+ Original protection title (if the extension is requested to be recorded in the protection title);

+ Power of attorney (in case the request is filed through a representative);

+ A copy of the receipt of fees and charges as prescribed;

+ Other documents (if necessary).

renewal trademark
Declaration requesting renewal of protection titles’ validity

The time limit to renewal trademark

– NOIP shall examine the request for validity renewal within 01 month from the date of receipt of the request.

– Result: If the request is considered valid, the NOIP shall issue a decision on renewal of the protection title, register and publish it in the National Industrial Property Official Gazette. If the request is considered invalid, the NOIP shall issue a decision on its rejection of the request for protection title renewal.

Return (if any) the certificate that have been recorded for renewal to the owner. 


Fees and charges for renewal trademark

+ Official charge for renewal of protection titles: VND 100,000/ 01 group of goods or services;

+ Official charge for delayed renewal: renewal fee plus 10% for each month of delayed payment;

+ Fee for examinationrequest for renewal of protection titles: VND 160,000/ 01 protection title;

+ Fee for protection title usage: VND 700,000/ 01 group of goods or services;

+ Fee for publication of decision of renewal of protection titles: VND 120,000/ 01 request;

+ Fee for recording decision of renewal or change of holders of protection titles into the National Register of Industrial Property: VND 120,000/ protection title.

renewal trademark

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With over 10 years of experience operating in the field of law with a team of experienced, enthusiastic personnel. LNP LAW is confident to bring the best service to customers in the fields of Investment, Intellectual Property, Business. The above article summarizes How to renewal Trademark Certificate in Vietnam.

Customers who want to renewal trademark in Vietnam can use the following services:

– Advice, support, answer your questions and questions related to conditions, records, order and procedures for trademark renewal in Vietnam;

– Prepare documents to renewal trademark of customers;

– Filing trademark registration at the competent agency. Track records, on behalf of Customers solve problems arising from registered trademarks

– Other jobs requested by customers.