Opening Representative Office in Vietnam


What is the representative office of a foreign company?

According to the 2005 Commercial Law, a representative office of a foreign business is a dependent unit of a foreign business, established under the provisions of Vietnamese law to explore the market and conduct some contact activities. conducting trade that is allowed by Vietnamese law.

R.O in Vietnam are restricted, the representative office, however, may be lawful to:

– sign contract on behalf their parent companies/enterprises on the basis of relevant authority; to do research market;

– enhance co-operation of protects; to monitor the development of contract signed between their parent company and a Vietnamese party;

– and other lawful activities. Representative office is not required to pay tax, except personal income tax. In order to open representative office in Vietnam

– Vietnam representative office, a company need to meet requirements and to prepare documents as follows:

A license issued by a competent authority is compulsory to open representative office in Vietnam.

Read more: The service of applying for a reputable foreign investment permit in Hanoi

In addition to the condition that the parent company must operate for at least 01 year in original country prior to open representative office in Vietnam, the required documents for the application for obtaining such license include:

Time Frame to open representative office in Vietnam:

15-25 days from the date after legitimate documents are submitted

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