Set up hotel trading company in Vietnam

The hotel and motel business promises to be one of the areas of strong growth after Covid.19. The Vietnamese government has issued many policies to stimulate the domestic tourism industry. So the set up hotel trading company at this time is the forefront of the trend.

>> Read more: Step by step establishing foreign capital company in Vietnam

1. Conditions for set up hotel trading company

1.1 General conditions to set up hotel trading company:

– Having a business registration for tourist accommodation;

– Taking measures to ensure security, order, environmental sanitation, safety, fire prevention and fighting according to the provisions of law for tourist accommodation establishments.

1.2. Specific conditions to set up hotel trading company:

– At least 10 rooms for a hotel, each room must be at least 12m2 and 9m2 depending on the double or single room;

– Safety must be ensured, not near public toilets, hazardous production facilities, and school hospitals. There must be a distance of at least 100m and must not be adjacent to areas requiring defense and security protection according to current regulations;

– Ensuring the minimum requirements for construction, equipment, services, professional qualifications and foreign languages ​​of the managers and service employees according to the corresponding grading standards for each type, class;

– Conditions of security and order….

set up hotel trading company
                   conditions for set up hotel trading company

2. Process of set up hotel trading company

set up hotel trading company
                   process of set up hotel trading company

2.1. Step 1: Procedures for hotel business registration

A dossier of application for a hotel business license includes:

– A notarized copy of the hotel business registration certificate (for enterprises with hotel business registration) or investment license (applicable to foreign-invested establishments);

– A list of facilities and equipment used;

– A list of officials and employees of the establishment;

– Health certificates of officials and employees issued by health;

– Certificate of legal right to use premises where the business is located.

Issuing agency: Department of Planning and Investment of provinces and cities.

2.2. Step 2: Procedures for granting License fully qualified Fire protection

– Records include:

+ Application for license;

+ Fire prevention and fighting plan;

+ Hotel map;

+ Exit diagram;

+ List of on-site fire fighting forces.

– Implementation time: 15 days with fire prevention and fighting license

– Issuing agency: Fire department at district or provincial level, depending on the size and number of construction floors

– Fire department will regularly check the hotel to ensure all fire protection conditions are maintained

2.3. Step 3: Procedure of issuing Certificate of security and order

– Implementation time: 7 – 10 days

– Issuing body: Police and administrative management and social order and safety in the province/city.

* Certificate of establishment meeting food safety and hygiene conditions

– Implementation time 30 – 40 days

– Issuing body: Food safety management board issues a certificate (under Department of Health)

– The company organizes training courses, health checks for employees

– The duration of the certificate is 3 years.

2.4. Step 4: Procedure for issuing a commitment to environmental protection

– Implementation time: 15 – 20 days

– Issuing body: Local Department of Natural Resources and Environment

2.5. Step 5: Sign up for star ratings

Decision on recognition of the standard of tourist accommodation establishments (star class of hotel)

After all conditions for granting hotel business licenses are met, an enterprise must register a star rating with the tourism management agency:

Records include:

– An application for rating of accommodation establishment;

– Map of hotel room;

– List of staff working at the hotel;

– Specialized qualifications or professional classes of employees;

– Transcript of evaluation criteria of star star rating;

– Copy the certificate of enterprise registration

– Copy of certificate of eligibility for security and order;

– Duplicate certificate of food safety and hygiene;

– Receipt of payment of hotel evaluation fee.

Agency receiving star rating documents: Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism

Note: The time to start applying for a hotel star rating when the hotel business license conditions are met is 2 months from the date of the business registration certificate.

Implementation time: 30 – 45 days

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